.................. oh well I feel like we just had a holiday..... oh wait we did... March break and just around the corner oh look it's Easter/Good Friday! Someone is really testing my patience for my children......... don't get me wrong I love them...... but enjoy the time they spend at school!
Ok so here we are the day before a long weekend.......... as stated in a previous blog it began early at exactly 3:17pm today! We hung at the park and then it was time for hockey practice........ all is good and now I sit here burning a cd for a client and thought I would write a more in depth post as I seem to stagger a lot.
It's not that I don't enjoy writing them..... I just don't always have the time or more importantly the witt to pull it off every time! Yes I do think I am funny..... as I like to say to my friends quite frequently as they shake their heads in dismay "I kill me" ...... maybe I don't make anyone else laugh.... but I sure do make myself laugh! Really though isn't it so important? I think it is!!! ...... most recently is a convo I had with a fellow photog regarding Farmville .... elephants.... a naked farmer with no hair and cows upside down...... as I type this I am laughing hysterically....... ok coutos to her... that conversation put me in tears. Thanks D! imagination people ...... imagination! that's all I am gonna say about that.
I think it is funny how some people find certain people hilarious and others don't....... guess it depends which type of witt you prefer.
I must admit and give props to our good friends Shell & Stevie ..... really not sure how they handle being married.... these two knock it out of the universe all the time..... they are always on and every conversation really emphasizes LMAO.... I swear I could pee my pants if I didn't know how to hold it really really well... or I just sit on the toilet when I talk to them either works well for me!
They are quick with the tongue and I am so grateful for all the laughter they bring to my life! You guys ROCK! ...... ugh I know the backlash I am going to get from Stevie after this! I will pay dearly for complementing you! ooooohhh the agony I will endure!
Ok all...... it is done cd is burned and I am on my way out!
Have a fab long weekend everyone and thanks for stopping by!!!!