Sit back because your about to get a triple dose of blogs this week! ;)
I had the absolute pleasure to attend "Little Shop of Horrors" presented by The Irene McCauley Theatre for the Performing Arts in Georgetown this past weekend. A lover of the performing arts I was not only excited to attend....... but even more thrilled to have the opportunity to take a few shots before and during the play! All I can say..... is everyone that was a part of this performance was outstanding...... I hope you all know how incredibly talented you are! I don't say this lightly folks...... this cast and crew.... nothing less than exceptional.... shocking they are in highschool!!!!!!!!!
I do hope everyone will keep their eye on this theatre for their next production....... you surely do not want to miss it!!!!!
I wanna take this moment to mention everyone who played a part in this...... you all are so deserving of this nod-
Audrey- Natasha Herrera * Seymour- Dylan Daquano * Audrey II- Eric Holland * Audrey II manipulation- Michael Mihalic * Doo-Wop Girls- Michelle Lowry -Alex Brennan -Amy Doris * Orin- Curtis McGillivary * Mr. Mushnik- Dan Marshall * Ensemble- Caity Fines -Megan Conway -Michelle Boulanger -Emily Litster -Andrew Quinn * Dance Cast- Victoria Gubiani -Allie Laforet Lauren Pocaluyko
Pit Band-
Piano- Ms. Colilli * Reed One- Rebecca Rock * Guitar- Chris Whelan * Trumpet One- Tyler Brown
* Trumpet Two- Sydney Martel * Bass- Mitchell Webster * Reed Two- Rob Sevingy * Percussion- Amanda Oreskovic * Flute- Megan Kitto * Keyboard- Konrad Beiber-Willis
Production Team-
Director- Ms. File * Musical Director- Ms. File, Ms. Colilli * Stage Manager- Ms. O'Brien *
Asst. Stage Managers- Brooklyn Pries, Victoria Peric, Colleen Curtin, Victoria Rapp *
Choreographer- Ms. Chodorowicz * Conductor- Ms. File * Vocal Coach- Ms. Colilli * Sound- Brad Kosid
Long and McQuade * Lighting Design- Kevin Piccolotto, Adam Jules * Crew- Martin Bidzinski,
Chloe Molley, Camille Gallant * Set Construction- Mr. Limoges * Set Painting- Mr. Ray, Mrs. Ray,
Lucy Ray * Poster, Ticket & Program Design- Kevin Piccolotto *
Front of House Manager- Valerie Saplak
a sneak peek .....