Sunday, February 20, 2011

The Best Kept Secret in Georgetown!!!

Ok so I know it's been a while since I have blogged........ it's been a little nuts... vacation time... big work load and a few side projects that I am excited to share! But i do thank you for the continued patronage and the emails "when is your next blog" "wheres the blogs"..... love that you all are so interested!!!

Sit back because your about to get a triple dose of blogs this week! ;)

I had the absolute pleasure to attend "Little Shop of Horrors" presented by The Irene McCauley Theatre for the Performing Arts in Georgetown this past weekend.  A lover of the performing arts I was not only excited to attend....... but even more thrilled to have the opportunity to take a few shots before and during the play! All I can say..... is everyone that was a part of this performance was outstanding...... I hope you all know how incredibly talented you are! I don't say this lightly folks...... this cast and crew.... nothing less than exceptional.... shocking they are in highschool!!!!!!!!!
I do hope everyone will keep their eye on this theatre for their next production....... you surely do not want to miss it!!!!!

I wanna take this moment to mention everyone who played a part in this...... you all are so deserving of this nod-
Audrey- Natasha Herrera * Seymour- Dylan Daquano * Audrey II- Eric Holland *                            Audrey II manipulation- Michael Mihalic *  Doo-Wop Girls- Michelle Lowry -Alex Brennan -Amy Doris * Orin- Curtis McGillivary * Mr. Mushnik- Dan Marshall *  Ensemble- Caity Fines -Megan Conway -Michelle Boulanger -Emily Litster -Andrew Quinn * Dance Cast- Victoria Gubiani -Allie Laforet     Lauren Pocaluyko
Pit Band-
Piano- Ms. Colilli * Reed One- Rebecca Rock * Guitar- Chris Whelan * Trumpet One- Tyler Brown
* Trumpet Two- Sydney Martel * Bass- Mitchell Webster *  Reed Two- Rob Sevingy *            Percussion- Amanda Oreskovic * Flute- Megan Kitto * Keyboard- Konrad Beiber-Willis
Production Team-
Director- Ms. File * Musical Director- Ms. File, Ms. Colilli * Stage Manager- Ms. O'Brien *
Asst. Stage Managers- Brooklyn Pries, Victoria Peric, Colleen Curtin, Victoria Rapp *
Choreographer- Ms. Chodorowicz * Conductor- Ms. File * Vocal Coach- Ms. Colilli * Sound- Brad Kosid
Long and McQuade * Lighting Design- Kevin Piccolotto, Adam Jules * Crew- Martin Bidzinski,
Chloe Molley, Camille Gallant * Set Construction- Mr. Limoges * Set Painting- Mr. Ray, Mrs. Ray,
Lucy Ray * Poster, Ticket & Program Design- Kevin Piccolotto *
Front of House Manager- Valerie Saplak

a sneak peek .....