Tuesday, September 21, 2010

........ meet The Q family!

Family sessions are in abundance this year.... of course this is the fav season of everyone......  Fall is always in demand!
As I book and shoot these sessions...... I constantly think to myself how nice it is not only to shoot them but to be a part of these moments. And how much I would love to have this for myself........ but alas I think I am the culprit of anyone...... I've never made the time to do it!
So I urge those who haven't to have them done........ find a photographer you love and just do it!

........................yesterday I had the opportunity to head out with the Q family........ a great, fun bunch that I also personally know........ we spend the greater part of our year together at the rink!!!! There were much laughs......... and talks of ice cream.......... you know when you have more than one child... bribery is always involved! The boys were sweet, patient and very inquisitive. A ladybug kept their interest for the better part of our session..... which made for some great candid moments!
It was a great evening outdoors....... and the photos are some of my fav's to date!!!

Thanks boys......... for the big smiles and let's keep the "cat story" to ourselves! lol

sneak peek..........

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