Friday, May 20, 2011

Tic... Toc....

.... let's talk time- ....... it seems to be the topic of the week. But really it is something we complain about so very often.... we just never seem to have enough! Yes I am one of those complainers...... not enough time ever... I always say just let me find one more hour. This is life and the way it goes we always want more time.... more time to get things done in a day... more time with family... more time... just more! So do I have a point here? .... ah no not really.... just felt like throwing this out there today as it seems to be something I've been hearing all week. ........ or would could look at it and appreciate every second we do have. But were human... we generally take our time for granted and throw out... "tomorrow" "next time" "later"...... so going into this weekend..... I'd like to make a request... maybe we all could make an effort to savour our time this weekend...... enjoy our moments...... and for this long weekend... to not say "later" "tomorrow" or "next time"....... that's my plan...... how about you?

so on that note... now take the "time" to finish reading this blog! lol shameful plug I know!

I had the pleasure 2 weeks ago today... to spend the day with a fabulous couple..... congratulations Fiona & Nelson on your wedding!!!!!!
Arrived at the brides house to start the day..... a perfectly calm bride awaited with veil on. I must say.... my brides ROCK- really truly.... they are the most cool, calm, collected bunch...... did I mention FUN!
We captured some shots of her and then we were off to the the church!
This is my fav part of the day.... chatting with the officiant to see what I am allowed and not allowed to do! So this day I had a fab photog friend helping me out Mark Bianco... (thanks Mark)! I always walk up to the officiant and ask for stipulations, and of course chat them up a little as to create a great immediate relationship so I may be able to waiver on the strict guidelines..... I tell ya it usually works. Heres the thing .... allow me to derail for a moment..... this fabulous couple like all my couples want these moments captured.... it all happens so fast... so they would like to see it all unfold! Now heres the issue- most won't allow a whole lotta photo taking... pick your moments... and this I can completely live with.... it's when we are not allowed to take any that i have the problem with. I completely understand it's a sacred moment.... and I respect that... I'm catholic- I get it..... but I am also very discreet...... never in the way... you really hardly see me! So maybe just maybe we can break the barrier a little and allow a touch more freedom?! lol I know long shot but would be nice!- ok now back on track- so as we are speaking..... of course they direct their attention to Mark- hmmm really were gonna go there?- I as a female can't possibly be in charge.... ok a little grrr from me.... careful I may bite! So please if anyone is reading this please note- female photographers do exist and we do own our own companies!

ok back to wedding ............. This church was gorgeous..... I loved all the detail and stained glass.... simply breathtaking!
After the ceremony we headed to the park for some photos..... ok no you will not see them below as with the rain we only managed to knock out 2 shots! But...... hold on a sec- we had a kick ass venue to hit....... The Vue pretty cool place ..... I loved it..... it was their first wedding the held and they did a fabulous job! Everything from the vintage old hollywood decor to the murals and natural light.... sweet venue!
I really enjoyed this wedding and couple.... they had a great wedding party who knew how to have fun..... warm loving family that were so sweet. It was an absolute pleasure to be a part of your day........ so now I will stop all my rambling.......

sneak peek.........

1 comment:

  1. My pleasure in helping, photo taking or holding a light. Its what I do :)
