Tuesday, October 25, 2011

3 is heaven...

Being a mom of three is challenging to say the least.... this I know to be true because I have tree too!!!
It's tough to juggle all the things that go on day to day.... keeping up with extracircular activities, homework and everything in between........ BUT I wouldn't trade it for anything...... just give me a little down time and  I'm good to go again for another week!
Everything is always rushed... go go go... we so often get caught up with our lives... it's never intentional... it just happens.  Whether a friend didn't get a returned call or my kid went without a haircut... never good I know.... but it happens...... and those who know you won't judge and will let it slide..... those who don't get upset.  Yes I am going somewhere with this.... it's been really busy this season..... and I am trying to fit everything and everyone in, but it's just not happening.... I have had to make some decisions and change things around this past week! So to all the parents out there trying to keep up with everything..... please stop, take a moment and truly give yourself a break! We all need it......

With this said...... I will no longer be delivering cd's or albums and I will no longer be mailing cd's or albums..... everything must be picked up! I really wish I could keep up with the mailing.... but too many times than I can count someone has not received their items or it's been delayed ect ect...... picking up your order will ensure you receive it!!!
Thank you everyone for understanding!

Now on to our next lot of sessions!!!!

I had the pleasure to photograph three fabulous little girls this past weekend....... they were too fun!! Loved the smiles and giggles...... poses and silliness!!! Kids always crack me up.... make me smile... and they all say the darndest things! But regardless of anything..... I truly love to capture them in all their busy glory! Every emotion from a child is genuine and true.... untainted and pure..... can't fake it or pretend....... and this is what I am after in every session...... not the poses and forced smiles .... I want the surprised expression... the eyes lost in thought..... the interest in something in the distance..... yes I want it all.... and then I want more..... lol! These girls did it.... gave me everything and then some..... I realize there are quite a few pics below but I had to share...... because kids will be kids...... and I wouldn't want to do this job any other way!!!

sneak peek............

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